How are you guys dealing with foreclosures

How are you guys dealing with foreclosures

Hi guys Im a little confused guys, im hoping for some clarity.
Ok guys I have 2 questions for you.
1) How are you guys flipping foreclosures? I was told by my lawyer that the banks are making it harder to flip them with clauses in the addendum that will force you to hold for 6 months and the sort. I know we cant assign them,
Are you guys just making offers until you find a bank that wont do that???
If not how are you guys doing it???

2) Another question I have is this. One strategy I wanted to try is to make lots of offers with out going to the properties until an offer was accepted. Based on the pics (there has to be enough pics ofcoarse) Ill asses the kitchen and bath repairs, then something like 12 or 15 bucks a sqft for repairs and using the rest of the formula come up with a number and make offers. Then once there an acceptance Ill run there and make sure that the repairs are within my original calculation. If not renegotiate using my due diligence. My lawyer and one of the couches told me that this will just get the bank and other realtor aggravated.
Simplifying this is if you cant go to many properties due to time limitations and arent yet in a position to pay for inspections how do you make offers.??


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