I have a Deal! Three properties sold as 1 deal, how do I write the contract?

I have a Deal! Three properties sold as 1 deal, how do I write the contract?

Hi everyone. I have an owner who wishes to sell me 3 homes as 1 deal price of $83k, with 20% down. Owner says equity is $350k between the three. How do I write the purchase contract where it is for more than 1 property? A group purchase contract? Or, do I do three individual contracts, one for each house? I need this done by Monday, so your advice will help a lot.

I am considering a equity partnership. I am buying them for $83k total but rehab value is $115k + $125k + $110k. So each home would be $27,667.

Two of the homes were purchased for $50k last year by the owner then he rehabbed them and have tenants in them with long term contracts. All are fully rented out.
If anyone wishes to become an equity partner email me. Owner just bought an Apartment complex so simply wishes to liquidate fast- my lucky day!


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