Question regarding Contingencies (Exit Clauses)

Question regarding Contingencies (Exit Clauses)

Hi everybody, first time visitor to this site. i read this forum everyday and love hearing everybodys experiences in real estate. im a newbie real estate investor and im starting with this assignment thing. i have one question though. i got my first offer accepted and now prepared to present the contract to the owner, which i downloaded from this site. Before i make the seller sign it, do i have to show it to an attorney to make sure its legit or for him to notorize it or something. or do i just make the seller sign and me sign it. not really sure when the attorney gets involved. and also can any1 tell me what contingencies do i need to include in the contract that allows me to get out of the contract in case i dont find a buyer or something, although i do have a few lined up. and what EXACTLY are these contingencies? Are they different forms that go stapled to the contract itself or are they outlined in the contract, if so where are they written in the contract, etc. thx
