Inspirational epiphany

Inspirational epiphany

I'll be the first to admit that when I begin to discover something new that will make life easier to handle, I have self doubt. I will naturally question all the answers and think "No way, this CAN'T work! I'll end up being left holding the bag!"


I remembered something that I was taught in college. My public speaking professor had told me that repetition is the key to success in ANY venture. And that applies here also!

Say you have something that appears insurmountable. Such as the possibility that YOU are thinking that you cannot succeed at this. All seems lost doesn't it? Not true!!
Repetition could be the key for you. Keep picking up the books and read, EVERY day. Whether you read for 5 minutes or 5 hours. READ THE BOOKS.
Also, If you don't believe in yourself then repetition is the key there too. Keep telling yourself I can do this... I CAN do this... I can DO this... I can do THIS, Look in the mirror and tell yourself that. Repeat it to the air in your home.
Practice, practice, practice. Make up something that you want to say to a potential customer. Rehearse it over and over again. You WILL begin to become comfortable with what you are saying.
Also, what Dean says in his books... Get in practice of introducing your self in a specific way. Keep doing it everywhere you go. That will have a two-fold effect. It will make you comfortable talking to people and it will SPREAD THE WORD about you and your company.
And most important....
Do as Dean does. BE THANKFUL. Thank God, Buddha, Allah, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.. whoEVER your deity is. And ALWAYS tell yourself you CAN do this. Very soon you will begin to see a difference in your way of approaching people. You will begin to notice opportunity, and opportunity holds its own rewards.
I haven't even made a deal yet as I am still reading. But I am learning a LOT and the fire is building in me every day!
So keep on keepin on! You WILL succeed!!

It is my sincerest hope that you have many GREAT days filled with what you need and desire!!
