Roof Insulation & Venting‏

Roof Insulation & Venting‏

Some people feel that the more insulation you put in an attic the better and the warmer your home is going to be. This sometimes can be more detrimental to the situation because you have Improper venting in unconditioned spaces. There are two different kinds of ventilation- one is for living spaces and the other is for unconditioned spaces. Ventilation of living spaces is designed to remove excess moisture from sources such as kitchens, bathrooms, and close dryers. Replace still, polluted air was fresh air. This helps to maintain good indoor air quality.
The second type of ventilation is designed to flesh out the warm, moist air has escaped from the living space before it has a chance to deposit its moisture into the building structure where it can do some damage. This ventilation is most visible on the roofs but is also inherent in walls and maybe built into sub-grade areas such as crawl spaces. That air in the roof space can become very hot. The sun beating down on the roof surface can drive heat into the roof space. Summer attic temperatures of 130°F are not unusual. If the outdoor temperature is 100° it's tough enough to keep the building cool. However, if the air immediately above the building is 130°F, it's even harder to cool. The ventilation system allows the 130°F air to be replaced with 100°F air. Roof ventilation systems flush out the super – heated air and help keep the building cooler.
So just the right amount of insulation is the perfect ingredient to keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in winter!!



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