I'm a new DG investor in San Diego & just came across an 8 unit/4 bldgs rental prop that's not on the market yet that I'm looking to pass of:
Good location Asking $1.25M, SINGLE PAY TENANT recently remodeled $9300 monthly rental income tenants pay own utilities $350/mo ins. $849 prop tax/mo zoned res & comm'l
Any one interested, please contact me.
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I'm a new DG investor in San Diego & just came across an 8 unit/4 bldgs rental prop that's not on the market yet that I'm looking to pass of:
Good location
recently remodeled
$9300 monthly rental income
tenants pay own utilities
$350/mo ins.
$849 prop tax/mo
zoned res & comm'l
Any one interested, please contact me.