Hello everyone,
My name is Gerard Doret I am a first time investor and I'm looking for investors to work with in NY...
I couldn't find a free REI club to build my list of investors to contact when i find a deal...
So i figure if i ask my DG family, I may have a better luck to build that list...
if you want you can contact me at:
[edit: please do not post emails or phone numbers]
Thank you for your time and God Bless you all __________________
~Gerard Doret~
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Hello everyone,
My name is Gerard Doret I am a first time investor and I'm looking for investors to work with in NY...
I couldn't find a free REI club to build my list of investors to contact when i find a deal...
So i figure if i ask my DG family, I may have a better luck to build that list...
if you want you can contact me at:
[edit: please do not post emails or phone numbers]
Thank you for your time and God Bless you all
~Gerard Doret~