Welcome, Hello!

Welcome, Hello!

Hello Everyone!
My name is Dennis and I am ready to get busy and take the big plunge in REI. My credit is not great, but unless I'm careful not yet having a job for over three months I may have trouble. My wife is slowly accepting my self employment attitude, but she wants to see results like yesterday, as her paycheck is really overloaded. I have no other experience in RE except that I did a LOT of house hunting before my wife finally decided to fall in love with something we could afford. I felt like I was rejoining the Army with all the documents to sign at the closing. I had thought at the time that was an experience to gladly to be soon forgotten, however I now realize it is like having babies...There are a mess of details before and after that have to be addressed, but having gone through them the first time its not so bad the next time and eventually you have a routine worked out and just expect to follow your routine.

I am really jazzed about the Edge opportunity and hope to start doing something other than reading about other people who are doers. I was one of the folks who ordered the course after much deliberation, as I had the money, but it was earmarked for other purposes, like bills and angry relatives, ect. and I actually placed my order just before the program counter could update the website to stop further sales. Thank you Dean for being generous and gracious enough to order more titles for us conflicted/ deliberate folks. I would have never been able to attend the event in real-time because of finances, and would never have been able to get going without the support of the DG Community. This is the last verbose communication and will strive to keep it short. Thanks everyone for the support I know will be issuing forth in coming days and lets get after it!


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