6 Guide Lines of Lending

6 Guide Lines of Lending

1. All lenders are not created equal. Look at the menu.

2. My business is more valuable than money. It has great cash flow potential for your bank. In terms of loans, investment opportunities, checking and savings accounts.

3. They have to qualify for my business before I qualify for their money. There are many lenders to call. Who can satisfy you and wants your business?

4. Money always flows to good deals – it flows even faster to great deals.

5. The deal changes everything. Have a plan in writing with the numbers and facts/comps.

6. Flexibility is everything. More than interest rates, it’s the lenders ability to work with me the way I have designed the deal. Square Peg – Round Hole? Find a match, don’t try to make it fit if they don’t offer a product you need. You must be flexible and creative also. Keep looking, you’ll find it.
