Looking for start up

Looking for start up

Looking for start up but would also do equity partners,

JLS Properties is a real estate investment venture to be formed to focus on the acquisition, renovation, and re-sale of residential properties. We will make essentially all of our revenue by recognizing capital gains on the sale of properties purchased and then “flipped”;

By leveraging industry expertise and performing efficient property acquisition the company is projected to be a very profitable venture returning 30%to 40% returns on investment.
The current real estate market has created a particularly favorable environment for an investment company like Real Estate Investment Venture. Savvy investors can now acquire real estate from economically challenged and over leveraged sellers at deep discounts, while having a pool of wealthy individuals who weathered the last economic downturn to re-sell to. Because of the current conditions the Company intends to aggressively build a short term real estate portfolio by purchasing and then re-selling foreclosed, distressed, and undervalued properties in the target markets.
If your are interested please contact me.

Thank you.
Jimmy Smith