

Re: Are you ignoring me on purpose?Thursday, October 14, 2010 10:58 AM
From: "Bert martinez" View contact detailsTo: "Dean Graziosi" hi dean. well i have bin working evry day non stop 7 day a week 12 hour shift to make it i have had 3 cars repo and now be hind on my mortgage i dont ansew my cell phone anymore and dont open the font door of my home when someone knock,s i stay awake at night laying on my bed with tears rolling down i know i cant stay here i need to pack up and go back to an apartment and pay 500.00 insted of 2,000 to make it i dont have time to read emails and your program is very good my mind cant take it.also my newborn son well i have to buy alot for him he come first in my life my wife she stay home to take care the baby when we got the home we both had income she has not work for two year and it dont look like she want to go back she in love with the baby and i dont have to pay child care.i owe 167,800on my home i have a 6.5 intrest i am now behind 2 month two day a certifid letter came in from mortgage dont want to open it just tired of it i dont even have i car so any advise
