Zombie Foreclosures Are Still Out There
According to RealtyTrac, one in five homes in foreclosure are sitting empty. That’s approximately 152,000 homes. Called Zombie Foreclosures, they generally have a negative impact on neighborhood home values. They place a burden on local tax jurisdictions, and many times the owners aren’t even aware that they’re still on the hook for the property.
Zillow.com Local Info Feature
Zillow.com has a new feature, called Local Info at http://zillow.com/local-info. Get monthly, quarterly, and annual home value movement statistics for local areas here.
Boomers Want Smaller Homes
Actually, the headline was Boomers Looking for Smaller Homes. This may be true for some, but there are more analysts who think that boomers will be staying put more than scaling down. In a real estate and economic market where it’s difficult to sell at a good price, they may just sit back and improve the home they have. They do want smaller, but they may not be able to move to get it.
Zombie Foreclosures Are Still Out There
According to RealtyTrac, one in five homes in foreclosure are sitting empty. That’s approximately 152,000 homes. Called Zombie Foreclosures, they generally have a negative impact on neighborhood home values. They place a burden on local tax jurisdictions, and many times the owners aren’t even aware that they’re still on the hook for the property.
Zillow.com Local Info Feature
Zillow.com has a new feature, called Local Info at http://zillow.com/local-info. Get monthly, quarterly, and annual home value movement statistics for local areas here.
Boomers Want Smaller Homes
Actually, the headline was Boomers Looking for Smaller Homes. This may be true for some, but there are more analysts who think that boomers will be staying put more than scaling down. In a real estate and economic market where it’s difficult to sell at a good price, they may just sit back and improve the home they have. They do want smaller, but they may not be able to move to get it.