Investment property with occupants

Investment property with occupants

If your an investor and your looking for properties that have renter with lease option to purchase property back. We have the deals for you nationwide. You tell us the state and we supply you the deals. These are distressed home homeowners who want to stay in there home. They could not get a loan modification but would like to purchase home back for what they owe the bank. If you are an investor and are looking for these types of deals we find them for you. Ex: Home value is $500,000 homeowner owe bank $300,000 owner rent with lease option to purchase back at the $300,000 you paid $150,000 cash to bank. You keep rental income and and owner buy back from you in 5 to 10 years. You make $150k in 5 to 10 years plus rental income. Ex: rental was $2,000 you cut rent to $1,000 owner happy you happy. Anyone interested PM me. Pls only serious inquiries only! Hope to hear from you soon.
