A Broker friend of mine is inviting me to join by becoming an Agent:

A Broker friend of mine is inviting me to join by becoming an Agent:

I'm actually shaking as many trees as possible to help him sell a nice Hacienda Property of over 4650 Square feet and have tried getting commitments from people but I can't seem to get anyone to bite yet...but even if they do, what leg do I have to stand on if it's already under contract with my friend...

I've actually read 3 of Dean's books but I feel so overwhelmed that all I've been able to accomplish is; calling the court house to get info on foreclosure info and upcoming auctions, speaking with various agents to send me comps on deals that meet my criteria, calling Real Estate Attorneys with questions about the legality of investing in R.E. without a license, posting bandit signs and whether the "as is" and or assigns is legal or not.

I've sent emails with pics and comps to my contacts and spoken to them about the urgency of jumping on a great deal that is nearly 50% discounted, I even spoke to a title company who told me they have their own attorney and that they do conduct double closings and, that they have an agent that will review your contract with you, plus I convinced the lady to give me the name of a heavy hitter investor and spoke with him, he wants to meet, he makes loans too...but it seems to be going no where fast...it's hard to speak from a position of strength, when your unemployed and broke. I feel like I'm all alone because no matter how much effort I put into this, it never seems to pan out.

I'd really like to meet someone who's willing to take a chance on me to help me build momentum and confidence.


He who desires it more, will accomplish more than he who has the ability to...

Have I not commanded you, be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you whereever you go. Joshua 1:9