

Hi, Rina and members!!

This is my first journal post. I'm a newbie that's taking action steps as I can. After gleaning through Dean's video and taking advantage of the conference calls, it made most sense for me to begin with Assignments.

I found two possible properties that are great deals. I tried to get a list of "cash properties sold over the last 90 days" list from a realtor, but he said he couldn't get it for me, not even when he checked with the MLS help desk (hotline)I'm in New Mexico.

Do you know why?, Rina or anyone else? In my action steps, I've got the names of a couple of other realtors that I am planning to call today to see if what he said was true. Also, my son pulled up some investors by googling, cash investors in Albuquerque. I got some investors names, but I have to call to see just what he printed out. My son is 29 and is interested, but not as motivated as I am to take the steps necessary to get "a deal" done.

I met a member through Matt Larson's post who wants to
share buddy with me. You might want to see if you connect with someone. It's a good support tool and helps to keep you feeling "isolated", one of the reasons why many fall to the wayside.

Anyway, I better get going if I want to accomplish my goals for today. Look forward to the journey with my journal and the Members Journals.

Thanks, Rina. This is a great idea!

kgreen @ greenacres

