Washington State?

Washington State?

Hello Everyone,

I'm looking for someone in, or around Vancouver WA, who may like to mentor me. My husband has lost his job due to company closure. He has been in the drywall patch, and repair business for 30 yr's, which goes hand in hand with RE. I'm desperate to get something going, but paralyzed with fear. I really need some help, someone to hold my hand, and walk me through the process in order to get started. I'm interested bird dogging, wholesaling, and assignments, just some starter type things for now. I don't have to be a millionaire over night, but I do have to keep paying my rent. I'm willing to do some work for you in return. I don't know what kind of work, but we can discuss it. Please PM me. By the way would someone tell me how to use the PM?

Blues Skies,
Sandy Kline


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