Looking for " High End" Investor/Partner

Looking for " High End" Investor/Partner

Hey there,
I have decided to go against the current trend in control of "Low End" to "High End" SFH's ($500,000-$1,000,000++). In doing so I need to establish a new group of investor's that would enjoy net working with me. I have everything in place except one aspect for my transition, I need an investor(s) or partner(s) that have the financial strength, experience and knowledge to know a good deal, can act with decisive decisions (yes or no and why)and have the resources to close quickly. For an example; I have a property under contract that is a really good investment with close to or over $1,000,000 in equity, once the house is bought and renovated. Please have a look at www.crcihomesellers.com/p/7496 and if interested I would love to hear from you.


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