You know how when you do something nice for someone bring an unexpecte gift to a friend, compliment a waitress, return a windblown hat to a stranger it makes you feel better?
If you do that repeatedly, it could help you in all kinds of ways. In fact, it you become altruistic and put others first, research indicated that you probable die smiling. Fortunately, you'll be happy, so you won't mind. Obviously that's an exaggeration(you probably will mind), but do good for others, and you'll be suprised at how helping them will help you. For example, in the mood to share? Go ahead1! It will make you happy. StephenPost,, Dirctor of the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care and Bioethics at Stony Brook University in New York,, says, "Happiness is a byproduct of living generously."
The Journal Science published a study that examined the relationship between philanthropy and well-being. Researchers analyzed the spending patterns of more that 600 men and women, then questioned them about their general happiness. When subjects spent money to pay bills or buy items for theselves, they didn't report feeling happier. Yet when subjects spent money buying gifts or donating to charities, their actions made them feel much happier. The bottom line? You don't get happiness. It comes from what you give. Think you look fat in those pants? Volunteer! No kidding. Get this! According to the The Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, African-American women aged 60 and older who volunteered in elementary schools burned twice as many calories as those who did not! How cool is that? Help out in a school and get thin thighs! Where do we sign up? Dr. Erwin Tan from Johns Hopkins University says that working with children may be as good for the volunteers' health as getting a gym memebership. In addition, because the volunteers enjoy working with cildren they may be more willing to stick with the activity compard to a traditional exercise program. The kids get love and care, the adults get joy and a good workout! That's a win-win! By the way, the research focused on Afician-American women because the study took place in two communites where black women tended to volunteer. The results likely would be the same for all seniors. What's more, the study showed that increased physical activity from volunteering usually remains high for at least three years! Now that's a payoff! In December 2008 issue of the of the The Gerontologist, you'll find another encouraging study about vollunteers. Michelle Carlson, PH.D., led a research team at Johns Hopkins University that found volunteers showed greater improvements in memory and executive function than those who did not paticipate. In fact, older adults most at risk for health disparities and who donated their time, showed the most significant gains.If you volunteer, you'll not only feel better, burn calories and sharpen your mind, but you also have a greater chance of living longer!" I don't know what your destiny will be, buy one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." Akbert Scgweutzer
The Bottom line is this: Do unto others as you'd like to have done unto you. Apparently the good you do boomerags and comes back to you!by Vicki Hitzges
You know how when you do something nice for someone bring an unexpecte gift to a friend, compliment a waitress, return a windblown hat to a stranger it makes you feel better?
If you do that repeatedly, it could help you in all kinds of ways. In fact, it you become altruistic and put others first, research indicated that you probable die smiling. Fortunately, you'll be happy, so you won't mind. Obviously that's an exaggeration(you probably will mind), but do good for others, and you'll be suprised at how helping them will help you. For example, in the mood to share? Go ahead1! It will make you happy. StephenPost,, Dirctor of the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care and Bioethics at Stony Brook University in New York,, says, "Happiness is a byproduct of living generously."
The Journal Science published a study that examined the relationship between philanthropy and well-being. Researchers analyzed the spending patterns of more that 600 men and women, then questioned them about their general happiness. When subjects spent money to pay bills or buy items for theselves, they didn't report feeling happier. Yet when subjects spent money buying gifts or donating to charities, their actions made them feel much happier. The bottom line? You don't get happiness. It comes from what you give. Think you look fat in those pants? Volunteer! No kidding. Get this! According to the The Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, African-American women aged 60 and older who volunteered in elementary schools burned twice as many calories as those who did not! How cool is that? Help out in a school and get thin thighs! Where do we sign up? Dr. Erwin Tan from Johns Hopkins University says that working with children may be as good for the volunteers' health as getting a gym memebership. In addition, because the volunteers enjoy working with cildren they may be more willing to stick with the activity compard to a traditional exercise program. The kids get love and care, the adults get joy and a good workout! That's a win-win! By the way, the research focused on Afician-American women because the study took place in two communites where black women tended to volunteer. The results likely would be the same for all seniors. What's more, the study showed that increased physical activity from volunteering usually remains high for at least three years! Now that's a payoff! In December 2008 issue of the of the The Gerontologist, you'll find another encouraging study about vollunteers. Michelle Carlson, PH.D., led a research team at Johns Hopkins University that found volunteers showed greater improvements in memory and executive function than those who did not paticipate. In fact, older adults most at risk for health disparities and who donated their time, showed the most significant gains.If you volunteer, you'll not only feel better, burn calories and sharpen your mind, but you also have a greater chance of living longer!" I don't know what your destiny will be, buy one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." Akbert Scgweutzer
The Bottom line is this: Do unto others as you'd like to have done unto you. Apparently the good you do boomerags and comes back to you!by Vicki Hitzges