Another trailer deal

Another trailer deal

Well I guess they can just start calling me the trailer king. Even thou we said that we would not do another trailer in the park we just did. Lady husband died two years back and now she needs 24 hour care and the kids live in San Jose so she has to sell. As a side NOTE here always deal with the kids when it comes to dealing with older people because there are way too many things that can go wrong in the deal. So, back to the deal: We bought a 1974 double wide in a senior park for $5,350 with washer and dryer (new), frig, frez, dinning room table. We will have to put $6,000 in upgrades and repairs and we will sell it for 29.5k with 10-12k down and finance the rest at 8% over five years or less. We helped the family out and made it a great deal for all.