7th Wholesale deal closed! $2,750 assignment fee :)

7th Wholesale deal closed! $2,750 assignment fee :)

What's up fellow DG'rs!!! I just picked up my check from the title company for my 7th wholesale deal that I have closed since I started wholesaling. I love posting my deals on here because If I can motivate someone to do the same, I'm happy with that...
Here is how this deal went down:
A seller called one of my bandit signs about 3 months ago. He said he had the house listed for a year, and no offers. The realtor told him to list at 69,000 which was WAY to much for that area and house. They dropped price down to 59,000 and still no offers. There was 2 days left on the listing agreement when the seller called me, so I told him to call me back the day it expired and I would see it. So when He called me back, I went to see it. Seller was motivated because he wanted to sell the house before he moved out of state, and the property was tenant occupied and needed no work at all. To make a long story short, I offered 36,000 and he agreed. I put it under contract and showed my buyers, but NOBODY was interested. I dont know why, because for that price it was a great deal. So after 2 weeks of not being able to find a buyer, I had to back out of the contract...

Fast forward to 2 and a half months later (about 10 days ago), I figured I would text the seller to see if he had sold the house yet. He said no it hadn't sold yet, but he was still wanting to sell. I was going to make this happen some how this time, so what I did was I told the seller I possibly had a buyer interested and we needed to walk through the house. The next day my buyer walked through the house, and said he'd pay 30,500 and I said I'd get back to him. So now came the offer with the seller. I knew I already had a willing buyer, and I knew the buyer would pay a little more as well, so I just told the seller the best we could do was 28,500. We settled on 29,250 and got the contract signed. I then told my buyer he could have it for 32,000 and he said ok...So we just closed on it yesterday, and my assignment fee was $2,750! Not my best deal yet, but they are adding up!! So that's my 2nd deal I've done in the past 60 days! I love picking up those checks! What a great feeling!

I want to say thanks again to Dean for getting me started with all of this, and for writting the book that started it all for me, "30 Days to Real Estate Cash"...anyone wanting to get started needs to read this book and take ACTION! Dean gives this book away for FREE on this site, so NO EXCUSES! make it happen or keep living the life you are living, its in your hands only...
I will hopefully be posting deal number 8 SOON!!!!!! God Bless
