Question about Investor Disclosure Notice

Question about Investor Disclosure Notice

Hello! I'm getting all of my documents/paperwork ready to tackle my first deal and I have a question about the Investor Disclosure Notice that Dean shows on p.155.

Specifically, it states (2nd paragraph of the document): "This sale shall be contingent upon the Investor finding a Buyer that shall qualify for financing according to accepted criteria of ___ and its funding sources."

Who's criteria are we talking about? I would think that I don't really care HOW a buyer provides the cash, just as long as they CAN. My impression is that this statement means that I will dictate who the buyer will be financed through (or pay cash) for the deal - wouldn't that be up to the end buyer? So, what goes in the blank? Especially if this document is signed first, as highly recommended by Dean.





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"...high and mighty ... I have to bring the hammer down on them"

- My response: "The view from OUTSIDE THE BOX is a lot better than from INSIDE."