STOP!!! You are posting in the WRONG PLACE and it WILL BE DELETED if...

STOP!!! You are posting in the WRONG PLACE and it WILL BE DELETED if...

... if your post is about real estate investing or customer service.

Please, read the description of the forum. If you are still not sure, read the "sticky post" (those are posts highlighted in blue that stay at the top of the topic list because they are important). I have linked it here also just it can't be overlooked:

This section is not for asking questions about real estate investing. It is for asking questions about how to use this website or to give us your ideas on how to make the website better.

If your post is about ANYTHING other than specifically about this website or the Dean Team in general, be it a question on how to use it, a problem you encounter using it, or a feature request, etc... two things will happen:

1) You will be disappointed because you will not many people, or none at all replying to you.

2) It will be deleted at some point.

Please, ALWAYS ensure you are putting your posts in the most appropriate section of the forums. It keeps the site organized for everyone and will ensure you get more exposure and feedback to your posts.

Thank you!
