In the Telegram Tribune, the city of San Luis Obispo is cracking down on LandLords and forcing them to apply for business licenses. The ordinance has been around since 1991 but most LandLords were unaware of it. The city will issue warning to all homeowners who rent their homes and after a third warning, the city will issue a $500 citation for everyday they are not in compliance. Greedy greedy greedy if you ask me.
In the Telegram Tribune, the city of San Luis Obispo is cracking down on LandLords and forcing them to apply for business licenses. The ordinance has been around since 1991 but most LandLords were unaware of it. The city will issue warning to all homeowners who rent their homes and after a third warning, the city will issue a $500 citation for everyday they are not in compliance. Greedy greedy greedy if you ask me.
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