Hi Everyone,My name is Rick, and I love this site, love to read everything you guys have to say.
With that said...I attended the Insiders Edge Event, here in California, So I was thrilled to hear that you guys were holding a wealth building workshop, Loved it! but what you guys where offering I couldnt afford ='(. I stayed there just listening to the guest speakers from 6pm till 10pm, and yes I know that is a long time, especially since I dragged my sister, who really didnt want to be there, but did it out of love for me, cause she believed in me that I believe in Dean. I learned some good knowledge(Nothing that I can put to use at the moment), and was really psyched to hear that Dean was bestowing people with his books, that were in PDF format which I didnt mind at all, since my thoughts were that I would love to learn a few techniques and apply them, and after I made a few bucks, I still would have love to have bought the actual books from here(To have something tangible), but I got home and was discourage to learn that I have no way to obtain the PDF books, All I got was the DVD, a Camera, and a voucher to a website to do things with foreclosure's, which I cant do much since I dont got a credit card...So is there anyway I can get those PDF book files? I'd really like to get them, and enlighten myself with that know how, I would love to be on here knowing what Im talking about and be one of the folks that also helps people. DG family is awesome and I admire them.
Thanks for the gifts Dean, I really am greateful for them, And for the oportunity to let us attend your workshop. Dean is a great guy, I see it in you guys here.
If your wondering why I just dont buy the books? Well I would but I dont have money, I still rely on my parents even though, Im old enough to move out, I have bad luck at jobs(No one seems to want to hire me, It depresses me, I think not graduating high school is a huge factor in that ='[ ), Everytime I see Dean on TV selling his books, I clinche cause I really want the books but have no way to buy it(It frustrates me), I dont ask my parents for money for two reasons, 1.)Im 23...They give me a place and food even though they struggle to, cause the only person that works is my father and my mother is a stay at home mom(Her money is running out), cause she was injured at work. 2.)Same reason as num 1...and I am really tired of seeing my dad work his butt off at a job he really hates but does it cause he needs to, I would LOVE to help them out financially(We're going broke and thats really not a joke...).
If there is no way that I can get those PDFs, No worries I will keep trying to collect money and I WILL BUY those books one way or another. Thanks again, God bless you guys.
Hope I get out of this rut of mine! Before its too late. Hope I get hired somewhere soon.
Hi Everyone,My name is Rick, and I love this site, love to read everything you guys have to say.
With that said...I attended the Insiders Edge Event, here in California, So I was thrilled to hear that you guys were holding a wealth building workshop, Loved it! but what you guys where offering I couldnt afford ='(. I stayed there just listening to the guest speakers from 6pm till 10pm, and yes I know that is a long time, especially since I dragged my sister, who really didnt want to be there, but did it out of love for me, cause she believed in me that I believe in Dean. I learned some good knowledge(Nothing that I can put to use at the moment), and was really psyched to hear that Dean was bestowing people with his books, that were in PDF format which I didnt mind at all, since my thoughts were that I would love to learn a few techniques and apply them, and after I made a few bucks, I still would have love to have bought the actual books from here(To have something tangible), but I got home and was discourage to learn that I have no way to obtain the PDF books, All I got was the DVD, a Camera, and a voucher to a website to do things with foreclosure's, which I cant do much since I dont got a credit card...So is there anyway I can get those PDF book files? I'd really like to get them, and enlighten myself with that know how, I would love to be on here knowing what Im talking about and be one of the folks that also helps people. DG family is awesome and I admire them.
Thanks for the gifts Dean, I really am greateful for them, And for the oportunity to let us attend your workshop. Dean is a great guy, I see it in you guys here.
If your wondering why I just dont buy the books? Well I would but I dont have money, I still rely on my parents even though, Im old enough to move out, I have bad luck at jobs(No one seems to want to hire me, It depresses me, I think not graduating high school is a huge factor in that ='[ ), Everytime I see Dean on TV selling his books, I clinche cause I really want the books but have no way to buy it(It frustrates me), I dont ask my parents for money for two reasons, 1.)Im 23...They give me a place and food even though they struggle to, cause the only person that works is my father and my mother is a stay at home mom(Her money is running out), cause she was injured at work. 2.)Same reason as num 1...and I am really tired of seeing my dad work his butt off at a job he really hates but does it cause he needs to, I would LOVE to help them out financially(We're going broke and thats really not a joke...).
If there is no way that I can get those PDFs, No worries I will keep trying to collect money and I WILL BUY those books one way or another. Thanks again, God bless you guys.
Hope I get out of this rut of mine! Before its too late. Hope I get hired somewhere soon.
Sorry, if I didnt post this in the right section.