I have been interested in REI for a long time, but have not been motivated to move on it until recently. A few years ago, due to a job transfer, I ended up losing a house to foreclosure. I loved that house and had put a lot of work into it. However, I could not get an acceptable offer on the house when I was trying to sell it.
After the property was foreclosed, it ended up selling for about 52% of what I owed and about 60% of what it was worth. That really upset me. I had offers for well over that amount, which the bank declined. It would have saved me a lot of financial trouble (and credit trouble) had they accepted the 85% offer. However, that intrigued me enough to begin my research to figure out why that happened and how I could possibly become the guy that gets the great deal on the property.
While I am still in the beginning stage and have yet to close on my first deal, I have been awakened to the sense that it makes to moved forward and take action in REI.
I know that everyone says this, and many believe it, but I KNOW this to be true...I will be one of Dean's top students and I am giving myself 18 months to be invited to the Edge Event to speak and show how it has happened.