My name is Wes Milstead and I live in Knoxville, TN. I am starting this blog/journal so that I will be accountable to someone other than myself. First, a little about myself. I was a real estate appraiser for 19 years and built, with my father, brother-in-law, and a college buddy of mine a moderately successful real estate appraisal firm. Several years ago, due to some legal problems regarding a few developments that our firm completed some appraisals in back in the late 90's and early 2000's I had my appraisal license suspended. This was in no way due to something that I had directly done, but, a long story short, was mismanagement on my part. I went from making a good living for my family to having no career at all. I was devestated. I tried several other career opportunities that simply did not work. I did not want to get back into real estate appraising so I ran away from real estate altogether. But, then, due to my desperate financial situation, I began to think about other ways to make money in real estate using my knowledge that was gained through the 19 years I was an appraiser and I thought of real estate investing. However, I no longer had any money, my credit rating now stinks, and I had no idea how to do it. Then I saw Dean's infomercial. I went to the local seminar and invested in the 3 day seminar, which was all I could afford (borrowed from family).
So here I am. It has been 6 weeks or so and I have yet to make an offer or take any real action. I watched the first two of Dean's Insider videos today and they inspired me to crush my inner monster/demons and get started. I then watched Andrea Weule's video that said we should start a journal if we do not have a partner to hold us accountable. So that is what I am doing. So if any of you happen to read this, please feel free to hold me accountable by sending me a pm and checking up on my progress. I am going to post several times per week with updates. I pledge to be completely open and honest about what I plan to do and what I accomplish and where I fail, and with God's help, mor accomplishments and fewer failures.
I have a family member that has two rental properties that he is wanting to get rid of and I made an assignment deal with him. The properties are under contract and I have to get them sold to make money. So my first goal is to get these properties sold with the strategies and techniques I have learned from Dean. My second goal is to find another property or two in the next few days that are potential deals and make offers on those. I am also going to meet with a couple of title companies, realtors, etc. and start my power team before next Friday, 9/14.
I will post again in the next few days and let all of you (if anyone is reading this) know how I am doing. Also, if anyone wants to partner with me please send me a pm and let's talk. That is all for now. God Bless!
To All Of Our Success,