My first blog entry

Hello there DG family Id like to introduce my self. My name is Ivan Garcia and I'm from California. I live in a city named Fontana about 51 miles east of Los Angeles.I have great desire to Invest everywhere possible. Im happy to say that I have a list of ten buyers and a possible partnership coming up Tuesday at the closest REIA meeting location.If it works out it could be pretty awesome.I'm also very excited to watch today's training with Dean and all his great guests. DON'T FORGET ITS AT NOON PACIFIC TIME sorry didn't mean to yell but I guess I just what everyone to take this opportunity Dean has given us to peek in to what the Insider Elite family is all about.I consider that one of my "Unfair Advantages". Well I suppose I should try to go to sleep now its 3:34 AM here and I dont want to be exhausted for today's training. I write to you guys tonight.

Good Bye
Have a Great Day