The journey to the first deal..

So DG family, I have began my journey wardthe first deal, and have ran into some negative feedback, as I am sure each of you have.
As with most new things that are misunderstood, or seem risky due to lack of knowledge, I have encountered some push back about how "crazy" I am for thinking I can make real estate purchases without a load of cash.
I feel very confident that after I have a few successful deals under my belt, the negative feedback will disappear, and the want to step into the investing game will happen.
My issue is only the lack of cash. I have a load of free time, over 6 years of real estate experience, have purchased 3 homes in 4 years, and a major amount of motivation to pursue and complete some additional real estate deals.
I am ready to team up with someone who either can teach me some new fix and flip/cash flow tricks, and has the financial backing, but no time, or team up with someone who is tired of their poor returns on their savings accounts. I am ready to take the steps necessary, in order to bring success to a real estate investing partnership.
If you are interested in teaming up with me, please let me know!!

Excited and ready to make some moves, Bret

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