
Sandy hit all around me real bad i only lost power about 10 times and had under $2000 in damage. I was one of the lucky ones. My band played in Slatington recently and our opening bands guitar player lost his home in Jersey. A lot of his friends did also. We pray for all these folks. The bartender up at Penns Peak was still without power last i knew over 2 weeks. he lives in monroe county. People from Allentown were coming north for gas to run generators. We heard of enormous lines for gas also, in Jersey. I hope when the snow comes this winter it doesn't stay to long. Its not fun poking around with a broom handle tying to find your car and dig it out of the snow. I can relate to flood victims i lost my home in Las Vegas sept 99 to a flood. My lincoln was totally submerged, my grand prix was halfway submerged and it left me with the clothes on my back. In time you tend to forget about the flood. What you don't forget is how people treat you after you become homeless. Even my own family didn't wan't to hear about my problems. They said deal with it. My own sister denied me a shower. My hats off to the people that there own family will lend a helping hand. HOLLYWOODPHIL