This is apple cider vinegar this is fermented product so it has robotic properties it alohas alkalizing properties and you can cook with apple cider vinegar you can use it to make salad dressings but you can also add it to wire and thesis something I've been doing for a while just adding a little bit to water and literally airport in the capital and just kind of do little bit my little bit because you need to go I taste and just starting out you’re probably just use a little bit in your water but then as you go my case for instance add more and more and more cut I really like the sleeper cell this is something that's actuallygonna give you benefits health benefits but it's a good way to kind of labor your water at a little something extra to your water am so that it has a little bit more flavor hands still good for you too Minute Maid cranberry Creek flavored juice beverage so let's see what it means when it says it’s a flavored juice beverage Goji Xtreme so looking at this label the first thing I want to point out is that it actually says right here at the top 25 percent juice blank so you have to ask yourself what's the other 75 percent contained in this bottle then moving on down we've got 71 grams of sugar in mist which isn't really a pretty little tiny I pilot shoes.