I was falling into a comfort Zone and suddenly I remembered this Song--"Your everlasting summer you can see it fading fast
So you grab a piece of something That you think is gonna last
You wouldnt know a diamond If you held it in your hand The
things you think are precious
I cant Understand....You know the song from Steely Dan (one of my favs)
Well that's How I feel most of the time in this business, it's that "Stinkin' Thinkin'" Dean talks about all the time, that Stops us Dead in our Tracks or Prevents us from taking the first Step in Being the person we So Want to Be but we hold ourselves back for one reason or other. The words that go off in your head telling you to get down from the clouds and be ordinary people like the rest of us, it's the voice that you think is trying to tell you that you are silly if you have a dream, it's the voice that tells you everything to Stop you from doing what you love what you know you should do and can do but it's that voice that sneakily tricks you to believing it's being reasonable, and that you cant keep on doing this Crazy thing called Real Estate Investing! It's easy to listen to and stay where you are safe.
I took a chance and did well, boy I felt great, like everyone does, putting my efforts and what I have learned into action, when along comes the Ugly Monster (just an analogy of what stink-think looks like) in your head telling you not to take risks and even though you try to put it out of your head you still let it sneak back in.
* Tip #1 Learned Look on to others to talk to to share what you are experiencing, your fears, worries and of course your many, non-ending questions. Just because at first I did Succeed I was afraid that I woul soon fail too, I suffered in silence and stopped moving forward with my goals, until I shared this with my partner/husband, I released that ugly monster and put it in the cage of non existance where it belongs it feels great when what you were thinkin was just all in your head and nobody elses, I was worried that I would mess up or had messed up, it would keep me up at night and yes I suppose I suffered in silence well never again, I will profess to Yell, SCREAM, from the roof tops well at least to my husband if not my partner then who else, oh wait and yes the DG Family! Smiling
Because my life had changed so suddently and drastically, I didnt want to change how I was inevesting from one city to the next, it's like day and night I wanted to stay where I was comfortable and not face the Bigger City where I live now, I was remoting wholesaling only in my town and refused to look at the monter dead in the eye, I thought I wouldn't have to deal with it when really it was easier than I thought because this big city was like 20 or 30 little towns in it that are ripe for the pickins! It's just plain rediculous what you can tell your self to stay in a made up safe zone. So I had a new Realtor, who is hungry but I didnt want to put her to worklike I had learned for fear of scaring her away, so I decided to just do it, have a Real Talk with her and share with her what I wanted to do and what I was already doing in my home town city I had moved from. Well it was the best thing I could have ever done because what she said next absolutely floored me, "..I dont have a problem putting in offers for you anytime any day and I dont care what the sellers agent tells me (talking about low offers) they can be ugly all they want that's Their Problem! She has already submitted a few offers for me and told me how she was blasted by a sellers Agent over my offer and she said quite frankly she didnt care (she somes from short sale department from a big bank that downsized her department....and now she is what she is) she understands with much appreciation what this business is all about, we talked more she shared some insight and nuggets, glad I shared a no B.S talk with her because now we have an understanding so profound that if I loose her I think I will die (just kidding) and believe me I have been through many Realtors.
I just applied what Matt shares on 30 Days to Real Estate Cash with Dean about working with a Realtor your main "Team Player" is key to being successful in your goals as a Real Estate Investor and it's not a magic word that I said or Didnt say, it was just me speaking from the heart and what goals I wanted to accomplish. Time goes by too quickly, as I have realized, no matter what life throws my way I will never wait too long again to get Re-engaged dont ever let a day go by that you "take-off" from Real Estate because it may be the last!
Working Two Cities in Wholesaling and they are two Very different Breeds. My Analogy of them are one is the Tazmanian Devil and the other is the Big Blue Monster (you know the one) and each one is different but they are both Hungry for ...Real Estate..My true Freedom! Smiling