Private Commercial Funding has far surpassed the volume of conventional lending and has become the commercial capital source of choice. Private lenders and banks must both assess the risk exposure which will have an impact on the final rates and terms, but all in all, private lenders have a much greater flexibility, can offer more creative methods of financing and are definitely open to negotiation.
Each lender will have a slightly different loan worksheet and may have different expectations of the detail in your executive summary. Your documents must be 100% accurate, offer full disclosure and executive summary must tell the lender the entire story and entice the lender to consider your request for funding. Prepare, work with your consultant and make a winning presentation. "First impressions are everything here".
We take pride in being recognized as one of the fastest in the industry and in the fact that WE ARE NOT SHOPPING DEALS. WE ARE DIRECT TO THE FUNDING SOURCE who can offer very creative short-term and long-term financing secured by commercial real estate and non-recourse stock loans. WE ARE NOT LENDERS NOR DO WE CLAIM TO BE. We are the Loan Mediators between the Principal and the Funds Group, which is what separates us in the Commercial Funding Industry. Minimum $250K up to $500M.
We are interested in all types of commercial real estate, oil and gas, natural gas and alternative energy projects.