Trudging,trudging ,trudging along.

Got a real burst of energy here. Hey! like I found a million bucks! (well, almost). Came across this ad by Nightingale Conant when I was directed to Youtube, before Dean started me off with the PMI program. Got an e-mail from Terry at PMI to make sure I got the things he listed done before heading to the nexr step. So, I listend and watched a couple of inspirational video's and one of them included a Zig Ziglar spot.( not even sure if that was part of the assignment! could of got distracted and it was accidental?)Anyway, I got sold- I'm not sure if Dean is affiliated with these people but I WAS SOLD! Bought the (ordered the free ($1.00) 30 day trial))The videos are just incredible! Should be a mandatory part of the PMI education training. What a great motivational speaker! Hey... almost as good as Dean!? Smiling Anyway, I have surely been injected with a high dose of motivation and all of a sudden all... this energy. With all the energy, it is a lot easier to deal with any negative thoughts, or actually, not even going there in the first place. This, after listening to only the first cd. I put it in the cd player in the truck as I was going about my day,and instead of listening to all that "nonsense" I was so stuck on having to hear (background noise to drown out my own negative ideas and emotions) I was getting a healthy dose of motivation,inspiration and great suggestions on how to change my negative thinking and way of life... well, haven't gotten to the "action part" yet but I am right in the middle of that in the PMI program. I think it goes hand-in-hand well with the REI stuff, but I just hope I don't take on too much, get overwhelmed and cop an attitude. You would think that that is what a motivational program would keep you from falling into!? we'll see. My "coach", and I think some things I've read in the program, say to "take it easy", don't get impatient and get ahead of yourself.