You will with it is clear level guys there is that drawl to it but I wasn't into the job insecurity if you will with the CLI society where the so-called the football coach Basie by going out Resilient Beauty Advanced Anti-Aging a couple years it seems and they bring their own guy with them so the job security was nil and I don't want to be held at the whim somebody else's desires and changes and have things like that so what is dynamite ago professional working professional baseball for that matter decided that same kind of thing I want to avoid at want to travel C my site I love Cincinnati and I want to travel too far away from it so ok okay I am do you see eight you are you going to be expanding your practice any well all about a month ago Resilient Beauty Advanced Anti-Aging I just ok we just knew we just expanded from useful Jeff’s space bus 600 square feet of warehouse close an outdoor I'm parking lot area to do for an hour and I Basin triple the size bed workout area 81800 square foot now with still some more I'm with plenty of parking lot if you want to do sled dragging in farmers walks in medicine ball throws all that good stuff Lincoln now are that they are I'll your clientele their high school junior high as well yet both makes it so mostly high school...