i messed up bad!!!

I saw this property about three four weeks ago and i called a meeting on it about three four weeks ago. When I told the couple about buying and selling their property is what I do, they didn't care. So I told them to meet the next day to sign some papers and they had a change of heart. They wanted to do it thme self. They told their friends are going to buy the property the next week. The property also has a lien on it. A two weeks later I called again o see if i can proceed with putting heir property on contract. The said how about a verbal agreement. I said no. I told them I will call next week. As I was working on building my buyers list, I posted out on classifieds describing this property and i got three calls already. I'm not sure if they are real buyers or just sight seers, but I described it preety bad. So today I called again, after not meeting them, and the lady said she is going to turn in the property to the state.