What happens when you spike something up really high it falls down so once that blood sugar spikes starts to plummet that's when you start feeling hungry again on meanwhile just Tennessee will how much the realists you know Cubans are most people just how we are eating like three cups have cereal missus with three cups if you eat three cups serial you would be getting I what like 32 grams of sugar and that’s more than a Hershey bar I mean we're talking you like your bowl of cereal you might as well have just eaten the candy bar that's not freaking cool right okay so while we're on the subject to breakfast I also want to touch on this instant oatmeal and again we can look at this ingredient label and we have the classic characteristics but really tiny font that you can't even read which right in itself is kind of a reflag but this guy actually contains aspartame which is an artificial sweetener another chemical which is banned in several different countries I'm artificial sweeteners are known to have neuron toxic damage which means toxic damage to your brain I'm not to mention their really harmful I'm for people who are trying to manage their blood sugar or maybe their diabetic where they ‘retaking insulin I'm so that is a huge red flag we've also got multimedia tree in which is another great just classic food chemical I think it's contained in all the foods that Hip Slim Garcinia Cambogia I've listed so far not to mention all the health effects they don't even know about yet because it's only been in our food system for a couple in years.