You get really need like I might his right now you may still tighten up your abs with no taxes anyway it anymore yeah it's ordered it sir disappears at the end but when you're happy that's a pretty good ratio size which is coming down every four weeks you can reassess and then make a major shift in your program so minor shifts on a weekly basis yeah major shifts on a forty faces archive so there you have it don't forget those three steps get your assessment done today by a tape measure or grab a shoe laces wrapped around youth measure with the driller anyway can to find out exactly where you at so you can start this progress to build your body to have that don is going ratio your number it will make picking up women that much easier and make it so we’ve actually women are going to find you irresistible so Nitric Max Muscle if you want to learn more about how to build your body which excites the particular can go ahead and build upon its been tossed on racial body go to a don is gone ratio ad comp for slashed my and check it out there thanks for watching guys and young guys next time base do..