Gregory Harmon's blog

Where in the world is Harmon; San Diego???

"Supprise...Supprise" Linda WILL be teaching with me in Denver this week. We received en email offering her the chance to go with me; and he was thrilled.

We will arrive late Wednesday afternoon and will head home late Sunday morning. Sooooooo, if any of you call the Denver area home; perhaps we could get together after class one night.
reply to this post and we will set a day and time. Hope to see you then!

Where in The World is Harmon; San Diego???

"Holy Toledo Batman, this isn't Ohio!"
This is Rock Island, Illinois! Home, Sweet, Home!
Linda and I returned from an exciting weekend in Toledo,Ohio on Sunday. That was Linda's first time to teach the workshop with me. We had a good group of students, eager to learn, and ready to take action.

My next travel will take me to Denver, Colorado May 24-26, 2012. Looks like there will be a larger than usual group of students. Linda will not be teaching with me, but have a very expirenced Mentor who I have taught with before; a great guy!
If any of you call Denver your home and you wish to get together one evening to discuss Real Estate Investing, respond to this message and we will work out a time and place to meet. So, until then, have a prosperous week!!!!!

Where in the world is Harmon; San Diego???

We are heading to our next destination, no still not San Diego, but to Toledo, Ohio. If that is your area of the country, and would like to get together to discuss Real Estate, PM (private Message) me here at this site. I will be with a new teaching partner you all need to meet, my wife Linda. She has been requested to share her knowledge and experience with those of you who will be attending this event, will be meeting with us later in the evening.
Hope to be hearing from those of you who live near Toledo, Ohio!!!

Where in the world is Harmon; San Diego???

We are back here in Rock Island for a few days before heading back out to meet more of you.

What a time we had at Dean's Edge2012 event in Scottsdale, Arizona last week. The speakers gave out so much valuable information and the "networking" was going on all around everywhere. We picked up about 50 contacts of other investors that we may at some time partner with or do a deal with. with all the comments you read and photos you will see here on the DG site, you will understand why I promote your attendance at next years event. Please, do everything in your power to be there next year so you can be posting encouragement to all those who did not decide, or were unable to attend.

Where in The World is Harmon; San Diego???

Would you believe, back home in Rock Island. Weare SO EXCITED about our next destination, Scottsdale, Arizona and Dean's Edge2012 event!!!!!!

We attended last year, our first time, and found the event far exceeded our expectations. What a weekend. I look forward to meeting many of you while we are all there.

If you are not attending this year, be sure to make plans to be with us next year.

'Till this weekend, be safe, and see you at the Edge2012!!!!!!!!!

Where in The World is Harmon; San Diego???

Well, not San Diego, rather I am in Des Moines, Iowa.
I am here to do another "Boots on the Ground" event. I have over these past two years of teaching this event discovered I have a PASSION to teach and share.
What do you have as YOUR passion. That one "thing" that motivates you to keep going toward your dreams no matter what obstacle life throws in your way???
Since life can produce LARGE obstacles, you need to have an even BIGGER passion so you can keep moving forward. If you have not identified your passion go to Dean's site and go through his "7 levels Deep" exercise. You will then know YOUR WHY!!!!

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