prevac's blog

Purpose-Driven Investing Part Deux

**Didn't realize there was a limit, so I just rambled on, good thing there's cut-n-paste allowed***

Driving around: Got this FSBO vacant lot

Purpose-Driven Investing

Well, finally. The 2nd installment of what I hope to be a series. Recapping on the outcome of my 1st one, got to meet Keith in person out in Sta Maria on a seminar on SUB-TOs & mortgage Amelia Earhart (amelioration, that is) & land trusts (^_^)

Going back before that, Keith & Val were the 1st ones to welcome me. It just so happened that I was considering rolling over my four-oh-nothing 401k to a SDIRA. I had lost 9k from the previous year since I just left it there after being layed-off 2 yrs ago. I'm surprised how it had been a pretty good nest egg that I started with my 1st civilian job after I got out of the Navy in '94. Considering that the company matched up to 10%, it was half free money.

1st blog ever

I guess this is as good as any time to start it off.
CAPTAIN'S LOG: Ten-Eleven-Eleven (as my 2yr old used to say, "e-wenen")
Thanks to everyone for all your contributions & encouragements. Jen Gray: I will start taking up your challenge for bandits. I've setup my google vmail but having technical difficulties. Got the greeting but won't start recording the message from the caller since I tested it out. To make it worse, now the phone's voicemail won't kick in. I know that with all this hassle, something's big will come out of it all.
"For he says, 'In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.' I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation." 2nd Corinthians 6:2 (NIV)

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