bdpjr's blog

I don't know

What I am doing wrong, if anything. I want to make an offer but don't if I am doing right. I am reading and reading and maybe I missed something. I am just blogging to feel my Guess I am going to have to work harder because I want to do the 25:1 but not sure how. Oh well must keep reading I guess


I would like to thank you Dean for answering me back.

Two clients

We have successfully gotten to clients. YAY!!! Now comes the fun part. Was happy to let the REA know what I needed and it got done. So far so good. Wish us luck.


Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know that we gave out, in person, our first business card. It's funny I tell people this is hard for me and they laugh, i do too, because I talk I let them know this is out of my confort zone and I just have to do it. I did, don't know if it was a win, but I at least did it. The more I get motivated the more I will do. Practice practice practice. It has been a journey and I am going along for the ride. Also, my wife sold her first pieces of jewelry. We are both going out of our comforts zones to accomplish what we need and want.


Well, we mailed the letters out today and now are just waiting for the returns. Nervous

Letter Day

We are currently getting the envelopes ready to be mailed out this morning. Printed the labels, return labels and have the cards ready to go. Letters have to be printed and we are on our way. The anticipation of getting a response. Still have to figure out how to post a ghost ad though, so, still working on that part. M U S T KEEP IT MOVING and that's what we are both doing. Wish up luck!!! YAY

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