hardmoneylendersgroup's blog

Understanding the buy house & rent back concept!

With real estate remaining in a state of flux throughout the economic recovery, several new options are arising for homeowners that are in danger of losing their property. By the time that many learn that it’s time to sell the house, there simply isn’t enough time to go through the lengthy process. To compound the issue, it is upsetting to the family to search for a new place to live after years of residing in the home.

Hard money lenders CA

What is hard money?

Hard money is a real estate secured loan that is financed by private investors. If you want to purchase, refinance or remodel a real estate property you own and can not qualify with conventional banks, then you probably want to consider hard money.

How to qualify for a hard money loan?

Hard money lender want to make sure your property have equity and if it's an investment property, then in some cases they will want to see you have some income as well. While some hard money lenders will ask you to provide credit report, tax returns and bank statements, they really don't base their decision upon reviewing these documents.

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