markriese's blog


Today is Day 15 since EDGE 2014.
347 Days to Edge 2015!

Today we hit over $11,000/mo in Gross Rents, will be past $12,000/mo by the end of May.

I have multiple new Private Money Lenders looking to finance deals, I have several new potential Capital Partners...


It's not just what you know, it's who you know. The more you network, the more dots you get to connect. I have a Private Money Lender who won't lend in my primary market, but will fund a flip in a new market I'm looking at. I have a market that "doesn't have" cash-out banks, but I now have a bank that I know will do it in that (or any) market.

It's connect the dots...

Living Life EDGE to EDGE

I was inspired by Gina Horatis, who said she lives her life "EDGE to EDGE" - every year, between EDGE Conferences, she takes her game to a whole new level, each time she goes.

I'm going to do the same, between my First, and my next, and my next, and my next Smiling

I have my Notebook, and at the top I write the Date, and "EDGE DAY 7" at the top this morning, then I write out my goals, then I write out what I'm going to do every day.

Joe Jurek said to make yourself a Scorecard of each Month - the people you work for expect you to get things done, make a list and keep yourself accountable MONTHLY as well! I've got a massive list of takeaways from the EDGE that I am implementing aggressively, while making sure I balance my time with my beautiful wife and 19 month old daughter Smiling

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