“Your 45% Cash on Cash Return Investment Property Is Ready To Start Printing You Money!”
3218 California Ave, Saint Louis, MO, 63118
All our St. Louis properties are completely rehabbed with all systems upgraded.
100% Turn Key.
Brick Duplex with 2-2 bedroom units
Square Feet 2,376
One year leases in Place.
Rent roll is $650 per unit for a total of $1,300 monthly.
Gross annual rent $15,600
Monthly Rent per Square Foot $ 0.54
Cap rate 16.2%
Cash on Cash return 45%.
Professional Property Management in Place.
One year leases in Place.
One year home warranty.
Purchase Price only: $ 69,500
“In House” Financing available with a min of 20% down.
Financing Programs Available :