SunniDai's blog

Thoughts in a blender

Sometimes I feel as though my thoughts are in a blender. So much information that I am taking in to begin this journey to real estate investing. Bandit signs, flyers, buyers list, "A" players on the power team, ghost ads, offers offers and more offers. I am learning so much yet fear I am letting so much information leak out the sides of my scope of retention, if that makes any sense. This is going to become second nature to me, right?
I am not an "I am going to TRY this" kind of person. I tend to jump in with both feet when I've made a decision. Trying is dying...just DO it! Smiling
This is not an "I hope I can do this" situation for me. It is an "I AM going to succeed at this."
Now to make myself DO it!

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