Hi, All DG Family Members
As per your request here is a list of steps and letters to use for your credit repair. Know the System and your Rights.
Step 1. Request a Free Credit Report from The 3 Bureau Credit Reporting Company in writing or go online but you have to pay. I did request my credit report via a company with all the account #s to dispute it and it cost me $69.00 dollars with the score. Email me if you want to know the name and I can send you the forms for Free! Or Write Requesting Your Free Credit report from the 3 bureaus listed below, you are entitled to it for free once a year. Write to:
PO Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374
Trans Union Corp.
2 Baldwin Place
PO box 1000
Chester, PA 19022
PO Box 2002
Allen, TX 75013
Step 2.
Send letter #1 to each one of the reporting agencies With the Acc Name and #s of which you are disputing. Do the same for all the Accs and to the 3 bureau agencies. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PART IS TO SIGN THE LETTERS IN BLUE. See letter sample below.
December 27, 2010
Trans Union Corp.
2 Baldwin Place
PO Box 1000
Chester, PA 19022
Re: Complaint Letter to Delete Inaccurate Information
Dear Sir or Madam:
I received a copy of my credit report to find the following items to be incorrect.
I have explained the discrepancies in the numbered entries listed below:
CAP ONE- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX According to my records the information you are reporting on this account is inaccurate. I demand that you remove this information from my credit report immediately.
By the provision of the fair Credit reporting Act of 1970, 15 U.S.C § § 1681 et seq., I demand that these item be reinvestigated and deleted from my credit record. Please send me the names and addresses of the companies that you contacted so I may follow up.
Under the terms of section 1681i of the Act, You the plaintiff have 30 days from receipt of this letter to verity this disputed information. In the event you fail to verify this data, or fail to respond to this request altogether, the disputed data must be deleted in its entirety.
Also, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. Section 1681d of the Act, Please notify me when the items have been deleted. You may send me an updated documentation copy to the below address. According to the provisions of section 1681j, there should be no charge for this notification.
Sign in BLUE INK.
Your Name
Your Address
State, City Zip Code
Step #3
Collect all responses from your creditors keep this document in place and organized, you are going to need them for your 2nd round of letters to dispute the items that are/were inaccurate. Collect them for 29 days.
Step #4
Send Letter #1 and Letter#2 in top of Letter#1 to the 3 bureaus for each of your disputed accounts.
March 30, 2010
Trans Union Corp.
2 Baldwin Place
PO Box 1000
Chester, PA 19022
Re: No Response
Dear Sir or Madam:
CAP ONE-XXXXXXXXXXXXX You received my letter disputing certain items listed on my credit report over thirty (30) days ago. The items were inaccurate and incomplete. I have attached a copy of the original letter you received.
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act 15 U.S.C. 1681I (5) (A), you have thirty (30) days from receipt of this letter to respond to my request for re-verification of the erroneous items. Since you did not immediately inform me of your need for additional time, I assume you accepted the statutory thirty (30) day period.
The thirty (30) days has now expired, and I have not heard from you. Therefore, it must be that the information on my report was either inaccurate, or it could not be re-verified. In either case, according to the provisions of 15U.S.C Section 1681i (a), the items must be deleted immediately.
Please respond immediately so I do not need to pursue my legal rights under 15 U.S.C. Section 1681n or 1681o, which require your compliance with the law.
Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. section 1681i (d) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, send me notification that the items have been deleted. Send an updated copy of my credit report to the below given address, as well as to any other parties that have inquired of my credit rating in the last six (6) months. According to the provisions of U.S.C. Section 1681j, there is no charge for notification of changes on my credit report.
Sign in BLUE INK.
Your Name
Your Address
State, City Zip Code
Repeat Step #4. in (30)Days. That's It! If you have any question Please email me.
Success and Nothing Less!
All The Best!!
Notes: If you own money you can negotiate the amount with the creditors for much lower of what you own make small payments. to establish your credit. Be proactive and follow up to the end. call them and negotiated do not take not for and answer. Good Luck!!
How to Repair Your Credit in 90 Days!!!
April 22nd, 2011 | posted by Wening C.
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