Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #125 - 7 Deadly Roadblocks to Success

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week Dean reveals the brick walls that get in the way of your ability to succeed.

If you haven't made the kind of progress you desire, watch and find out if one of these 7 deadly roadblocks are keeping you from reaching your goals.

The good news is, once you know it, you can overcome it! Have a great week.


Wening C.'s picture

Hi, Dean
Thank you for sharing the path to success with us.
Sometimes it is not fear or lack of interest or determination that stops us, sometimes it is the lack of how to start on this road were you do not know anything about it and the consequences that come with it and maybe the feeling of regret if not followed through. But on the other end the taste of sweet success!
It is the fear of the uncertainty that holds us back, the need of a road map to put things in place.
Never the less, the little things that complement on how to put all these tools in place and follow them correctly. Thank God that we found you to guide us. Let’s get educated and use the know-how with your books and tools that you have provided to all of us to make things happen for us.
Congrats! To all the DG family that have make things possible for them on for been posted on the Insider’s Edge The New Path to Prosperity!
Thank you for the guidance and for the start-up guide on what we like/want in life and how to fulfill our interest and how to get things done in a different way…. I am almost there.
Thank you Dean as usual just a great Video/Blog.
Thank you, Eye-wink



Positive minds + Positive thinking!= Positive Success!

Success and Roadblocks

Mathedragon's picture

I don't know how to stress it like always the things we learn and hear from dean he is always right we do have alot of fears that we need to overcome and alot of us are afraid of change or we just complain i'm going to do this or that and never do and we always listen to others and we let that have a big impact on our lives.Success is what we strive for if thats what we really want and i do my family is really important and i want the best for them and i will be honest i'm not afraid.that's just me,but we all need the help there is nothing wrong with asking for help from others.that path in life to me is real estate like alot of you dg family members it's important and we have to follow threw with it.I wish everyone the best for success and more for their family and thanks dean as always!

Timely blog

Thanks Dean for your timely blog. It is so true that
the things we watch or hear about what is happening with our economy is so paralyzing that sometimes we want to just do nothing and wait for a better time, but there is no better time and now more than ever we need to step up and even if we fear the moment, just step out in faith and get things going.

7 Deadly Roadblocks to Success


Thank you for another awesome video blog. The seven roadblocks are so real. Once a person overcome all of them, they will achieve unlimited success. The phrase you mentioned after identifying the seven roadblocks is the key - anything is possible. Again, thank you for sharing the wisdom.

I'll see you on the road towards success. Have a fabulous day!

Thanks Dean

Thanks Dean for this great blog.Your words of encouragement are awesome. We all need them, because motivation does need to be fed constantly.Me and my husband are always looking forward to hear your new blog. We working on a deal in Spring, we know the road to success is never easy, but the results are amazing.
Have a great week Dean. Halina

8 things that can stop you

I hear what you are saying Dean. I am a what you call a (its done before its even begun person) what ever that word is. What you said hit it right on the nail. You are always right. It is like what I am thinking but you put it in a different perspective and make sence out of it and make it work instead of it whirling around in my head tring to get to to stop just long enough to figure it out. I get it but I get it all mixed up. That is why I wish that someone would come and take my hand and go ok now do this and then do that just one time so I get it. It's to much and not being able to do it and learn it is too confusing for me I guess. Sorry I rambled just thought I would explain what you said in terms that make sence to me. I get it but I don't. Keep doing what your doing your great. Lucky Lori

Great Timing!!

AlissaMx3's picture

I literally just finished reading my first DG book (Be A RE Millionaire) about 10 mins ago. Took me about a week and a half to finish, which is amazing that it kept me so interested to finish fast with 3 kids and so much going on in my life right now. I have tried to news fast before, and I fall off the wagon once in a while, mostly just trying to catch the local weather, but I totally agree...if we focus on whats wrong with our country/world it will keep us down as well. I have a hard time staying positive myself, sadly its what I grew up with (negativity) But being a 28 year old mother of 3, I am determined to break the cycle so my children can prosper. I am very excited, tho petrified to begin this journey. I am not sure how I will proceed, but I am trying to stay positive and realize that for a 28 year old I have alot of good on my side. My husband and I have 100% equity in our home, that has to count for something good right? We may have terrible credit at the moment, and the neighborhood we are in is not desirable, but I am trying to stay patient and positive so that we can sell and move closer to friends and family that, as Dean said, is a positive group and we are all focused on how to improve our futures. They are who I want to be close to while I begin my RE career. I hope to spend alot of time on here conversing with all you knowledgeable people and sharing our experiences! Im going to begin reading Profit From RE today, but have to do some laundry first! Smiling Great blog! Have a great day everyone!

Sound Advice Dean

Anointed1's picture

Life is full of distractions as I deal with them like many others. Even after nearly 16 years of doing deals fear always attempts to creep in. I guess that's because we are always facing new problems and new people. Even wish I could make deals with zero mistakes but that hardly happens. In this business you can make mistakes and money at the same time. Nevertheless, we have to take one step after the other. Eventually, we will get what we are after if we don't give up. Sometimes we will hit roadblocks, have setbacks, get frustrated that's life. There's no quick fix, it's a process. Just bounce back, stay positive! Yes you can, I will, no matter how long it takes.

Thanks Dean!


Thanks great teacher

Thanks so much for your reminders . I am going to try my best to stop or deal with obstacles to be a winner.
God Bless you all.


you have e-mailed me for weeks to look at your program and here i am. I still haven't found any soulutions i here talk to buy. I am a contractor and have bought about 10 homes in te past now i'm short saleing mine and can't get a loan from anyone fha new guide lines are so crazy. half the people don't know what they are.I think your show idea is great for the one family it will help but people are likely to help when the cameras are rolling then just to help i'm sure i have to buy a program and then book or cd or dvd just to find out that i need more down or don't quilify if im wrong let me know. As far as fear we all suffor from 100's of differant fears but wewere born with only 2 the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises all the rest are learned isn't that crazy.
thanks coach steve

What was your fear and what"s your motivation?

I read thebook and daily I try to follow the steps but my most problem is procrastination with friends. I see it possble but how did you just to get even a 1st sell to see any money...

The Truth!!!

This is reall my first time expaling but I fill that the blog was basally explaining the truth. I am one of the example's of fear. How can I get myself from around the naysayers and more around leaders?

Huge message this week!

Being mindful of and practicing the fundamentals lays the foundation for future success. These "7 roadblocks" (avoiding them, that is) are a great distillation of core characteristics of the mindset that manifests great and wonderful experiences. The key is remembering that you have the choice in what you focus on; let time pass as it will and your daily choices become habit, which then become your destiny. If you didn't deserve greatness, you wouldn't be here now at a crossroads with the opportunity to make your dreams come true under your own power. Thanks for always being there, Dean, even when I turned away from you...

Thank you

Hey Dean.

The only thing I can say is "Thank You". There is nothing else to add!!

Have a great one and God Bless.


I am sorry I forgot to add this to my previous post . . .

CONGRATS to the DGers that were featured in the magazine. What a nice representation of success and the path many of us are trying to perfect.

Take care and God Bless.

great stuff


As always, a pleasure to watch your pep talks.

Hopefully your success rubs off on me too.




Reading your books, and making/working my "to do" list, and 97% ready to pull the trigger. It's that last 3%, and my wife of 22 years, the negative nay sayer. Just turned 50, worked high tech for many years in a clean room, including Intel. I am no further now than I was 20 years ago, except my nice house is almost paid for, and my credit rating is in the 98 percentile.
This is going to be my next career, and thank you Dean for being real. Just that last 3%. My wife is a show me person so there is hope there. Words of wisdom and encouragement welcome.

PS Have family that lost their beautiful house to foreclosure, and witnessed the pain. Also have co workers, who have received notices to foreclose. I want to make money obviously, but I want to help...

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