trying to understand Dean's deal in chapter 17 of Be A real Estate Millionaire

trying to understand Dean's deal in chapter 17 of Be A real Estate Millionaire

I was hoping that someone may be able to help out. I read Dean's deal on pg 244 of this book, and understand how he got the lien in New York on that property for $12,500 from the bank that had the lien at $145,000. What i'm not understanding is Dean says he was owed the full amount of the debt. If he purchased the lien for $12,500 did he get the deed and title to the house at that time? Also, isn't the $145,000 wiped off the books at the bank that sold him the note? Thanks for your response.


BUFFS correct chapter wrong page #

it's page 235.

i apologize but i don't think i understand your question. but you know the fam will be here soon. lol....

happy investing

the question is basically

the question is basically asking what Dean says when he was owed the $145,000 even though he bought the lien from the bank for $12,500. I don't understand how he says he was owed that money??? Did he get title to the house and deed once he got the lien? It was a short sale in his book that he talks about that he did in New York by a school and got to the property before it went into auction by the bank. He bought the lien for $12,500, but still says he was owed $145,000. I'm not understanding that. thanks for your help