Phone Numbers

Phone Numbers

Ok, so we are also having a difficult time finding phone numbers to the home owners for the homes that we have found in default. Does anyone have any great websites or other ideas of where to find these. Smiling



phone numbers.

Try, they have a wide range of info.

unusual source?

I once found an abandoned "ugly house" that I couldnt' find the owner for. The town hall and phone book listed that as their address and phone #. I finally found them on MySpace. For real! I sent them a message on myspace asking them if they were the owners and if so to call me cause I was interested in their house. They called back and we started talking. SO try Myspace or Facebook if you have a name.

unusual source

Niki,Please forgive!
As far as MYSPACE {ecl prop} How did you track down the owners!
Niki, I have to get it when i can...Still lets find out!

smiley face !


I knew the name of the owner. And i just typed it in and did a search. THere was one who's address was somethinglewis Lewis ave was the street they lived on and So i just took a chance and wrote them. They wrote back saying yeah, that was them and it turned out we knew a lot of the same people. Half everyone i know is either on facebook or myspace, even my grandmother! So I figured, last resort, why not? If it wasn't them they'd just delete my msg.


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