Ok do Ihave this right??

Ok do Ihave this right??

Ok Im trying to get my first deal under my belt, I know I know I shouldnt be but Im scared to death of getting it wrong and looking like a fool. (at least im honest about it).
My realtor sent me a property that just came on the market because she saw how low it was listed fr and the wording in the listing, listed as owner looking for a quick sale, house is listed at 124900 its a 3-1 with 1348sqft. From the pics it doesnt look like it needs much at all from the pics. I asked her for some comps and 1 sold for 149900 is a 3-1 with 1344sqft. now 149900 divided by 1344 gives me a 111.5 cost per sq.
The second is a 2-2 sold for 154900 at 1301 sqft thats $119 per sqft and the third sold for 174900 at 1500sqft thats $116.6 per sq. The average for the 3 sold houses is $115.7 per sq. Now if I multiply that by 1348sqft, the sq footage this house has I get a fmv of 155,963.
If I multiply that by.65 I get 101,376. That is what I should should try to lock this house up for and then ask for 5k to assign it. As a buyer does this sound like a deal you like presented to you?? This of-coarse doesn't take into account it may be on a main road or something I still have to go and see it.
Oh I have another question I actually nevr asked my buyers if they want to see an inspection report or appraisal, I assume they will do there own. Should I have been asking them if they want that??
Thanks guys any help will be appreciated greatly.


Oh by the way

I forgot to mention that of all the comps the house for sale is the only one with an actual garage and has just a little nicer curb appeal than the others.

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