Best ways to find FSBOs?

Best ways to find FSBOs?

Besides bandit signs and craigslist, what have you experienced investors found personally to be the best ways to find FSBOs?





driving for dollars


Mike Free tools


Here are a couple more ways to find fsbo properties.
There are two websites that I know are nation wide that list fsbo one is the other one is
You can also use zillow, there is a tab to look for fsbo properties in your area.
I have also seen local resources that have fsbo properties listed. Try an internet search for fsbo properties in your area to see if there are anymore options.


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Great suggestions...

Along with the sites suggested by Eric and Reinvestor42, a method that i have been using is going through some of the local classifieds. These can be found on a radio station, news station website.
These sites will offer free classifieds to attract more traffic so they can charge more for advertising.
Look up your largest radio and tv stations, see what is offered on their websites in the form of classifieds.
Here are some others to try as well
I made a game of it for my girls when they were little, we would drive around looking for "ugly doors" for house for me to knock on and see if they wanted to sell. Also they would point out FSBO, to earn ice cream afterwards.
Keep moving making progress.